I was invited to this event called "Kapuso Quiz Night" which I didn't have any idea of some sort, but of course its a quiz contest kind of event. When everything was set, there it was, a music type of quiz was about to happen, I was both excited and nervous. Excited because I love music but nervous because I am not too updated lately.
Anyway, we were joined by two of the cutest male Kapuso stars, James Wright of the primetime serye Strawberry Lane from team 1 (Team Ganda Lang) and Mikoy Morales from the newest serye "More Than Word on my team (Team Energy). So the game started with the first round wherein the music will be played and we have to guess the song title and the artist, second round was state the movie, show or teleserye wherein the song was used and finally the final round, we had to sing the chorus of a song and the lyrics should be correct. Oh there were bonus rounds in between called first to tweet (I am proud to be fast on this one lol!). The game has extracted all the energy in our body that during the final bonus rounds my team and I were so tired and just gave the extra points to the other team (excuses), they won! It was a good game and experience playing with the two young men. Both James and Mikoy loves music and they were actually the main source of points for both teams. But because Mikoy is on our team I can actually say that he was a genius! I remembered there were songs that were played, first 3 seconds and first few notes and boom there he goes writing on our white board and it was the correct answers. I was in awe on how he looked like just a regular teenage boy but with pure talent in music. That night I became an instant fan, not because they were just your regular cutie boys next door but because their talent totally boost their whole profile.
Note: I wasn't able to take photos because I was too focused on the game, spell competitive!