SM Supermalls' made-for-digital Grandparents' Day video titled "#SMmoments presents 'Atat” has now reached 1.6 MILLION VIEWS and counting and has moved families on digital, most especially Lolos and Lolas, to "HAPPY TEARS" as they recalled their most memorable experiences together with their families and the indescribable joy when they learnt that they're gonna be grandparents for the first time and the unending love that they have for their family.
Good job, SM team!"
"This made me cry but it's 'happy tears.' A new baby is really one of the best news newly married couples give to their parents," said Sheena Lazarus. "That's why the first grandchild is usually the luckiest in the family because he or she was long waited for."
There were also several netizens who expressed how much they miss their departed grandparents and the previous moments they had at their favorite SM malls.
As the video concluded, “Celebrate the gift of life - the old and the new." This Grandparents' Day, let's make the hearts of Lolos and Lolas happy and truly appreciated. It's time to spoil them back with more memorable moments for them to treasure so #DateWithLoloAndLolaAtSM this September 10!