Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Posted by Misis Nikole  |  at   3:06 AM No comments

Hi Mommies, I am excited to share with you a product that was sent to us by Colgate. I honestly didn't know that Colgate has toothpaste for kids, they have the one for babies which is at 0-12 months old and for the kids ages 3-5 years old. I got excited because we've been trying different brands of kid's toothpaste and we can't seem to find the one that we'll stick with. Thankfully we have Colgate and the best thing is that it is now available on Shopee! To know more, I made a quick first impression review of the Kid's toothpaste plus a taste test which you can watch below. Enjoy and let's all have that Colgate Smile.

About the Author

A chubby blogger who enjoys life and lives a life on the plus lane. A wife who is hoping and praying to be a mother soon. A positive person who still believes in the goodness of humanity.

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