Wednesday, September 10, 2008

aNoThEr OnE

Posted by Misis Nikole  |  at   5:01 PM No comments

aNoThEr OnE

I'm not big on blog entries, but right now I just felt I needed a release, so we work on the night shift, earlier a little over 2am our team mate (systems team) jaypee was called by our hr manager, rachel (my other team mate) and i were nervous... why would they call on jaypee... we made a lot of reasons not to believe that it is happening again "redundancy" that's how the program is called, united states is having a rough economy and since       we serve as a back office of an american company we too are shaken. so he came back i immediately ask the question "jaypee san ka galing?" he said "sa baba nag yosi"; "pero db pinatawag ka sa hr? anu sabi"... jaypee trying to still look ok said "wala na babay na" and yes that was it... it's goodbye time once again... last month there were more people removed and some were offered a resignation package but we were not expecting this one with jaypee, we were saddened by the situation and worried at the same time... still the question remains who's next?

Roughly we are still lucky our company is still here unlike others who have retrenchments of 50% and so, for some their companies have to close... but how lucky are we really? and until when will this luck be with us?

Yes it is depressing to lose our jobs... but what strikes us really is the friendship that we built and the people we considered family...

*transferred from my multiply account*

About the Author

A chubby blogger who enjoys life and lives a life on the plus lane. A wife who is hoping and praying to be a mother soon. A positive person who still believes in the goodness of humanity.

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