Friday, April 20, 2012

Fit for a Bride

Posted by Misis Nikole  |  at   7:00 PM 1 comment

June it is! stressing out on how to fit in all schedules and ideas plus stretching the budget. And the fact that all the pressure boils down on my eating habits, i am chubby as my blospost says it but i am enjoying my life. But the wedding date makes me feel that I am at my heaviest and should loose some not aiming to be thin but at least to look better and feel better.

With a lot of things going on, I want some time for myself, been wanting to take some gym classes but haven't started looking for one ugh! I admit being bored during gym time so I opt to find an affordable one with dance classes I love to dance and would sure be enjoyable for me and yes I know my food intake needs to be measured. Can I do this? I need all the help I can get... so I pray for strength and the will power to move it!

A month would be too short but definitely make me feel better just to have agood exercise to boost up my lazy ass :-)

About the Author

A chubby blogger who enjoys life and lives a life on the plus lane. A wife who is hoping and praying to be a mother soon. A positive person who still believes in the goodness of humanity.

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1 comment :

  1. I can truly relate. I find dancing more appealing than lifting weights and circuit training. Recently, I discovered that weightlifting actually reduces 60% of cancer risk. Something I must really reconsider haha.

    This is such a VERY delayed reaction haha. How did your wedding go? I'm sure it went fine. After all, it's a romantic moment. Love, love, love!


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