Saturday, November 16, 2019

Congresswoman "Ate Rida" Robes Thankful for 2019

Posted by Misis Nikole  |  at   1:56 PM No comments

Congresswoman "Ate Rida" Robes is very much thankful for the year 2019. They have achieved so much for SJDM Bulacan despite all the challenges that they had. In a chat with her, she mentioned a number of people who supported her and to whom she wanted to say her thank you's. But most of all she is thankful for the Lord for guiding her and husband Mayor Arthur to be the best public servant that the San Joseno's deserve.

In preparation for Christmas, a Tree Lighting ceremony will be held at their Municipal Hall to which we are also invited so please stay tuned for the next write up and of course photos. This event will happen on the 18th at around 6:00 in the evening and will be attended by the local government officials and employees and of. course the San Joseno's.

About the Author

A chubby blogger who enjoys life and lives a life on the plus lane. A wife who is hoping and praying to be a mother soon. A positive person who still believes in the goodness of humanity.

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