This is one of ABS-CBN's top offering for 2012! Featuring a powerhouse cast composed of high-caliber actors from three generations...
Walang Hanggan features the undying love that revolves around characters from three different generations: the love triangle among Virginia (Roces), Margaret (Gamboa), and John (Eddie Gutierrez); the ill-fated lovers Marco (Gomez) and Emily (Zulueta); and young sweethearts Daniel (Martin) and Katerina (Montes).
Roces expressed excitement over their newest series. She said, "I'm a fan of teleseryes myself, that's why I'm very happy to be part of it. But what makes Walang Hanggan more special is that this is Helen and I's first-ever onscreen project"
While Zulueta and Gomez rekindle an old onscreen romance, Martin and Montes starts anew. martin shared, "This is a new challenge for me since this is the first time that I'll be doing a 'full story.' But I'm getting inspiration from the fact that I'm working with the best actors and actresses of the industry."
Completing the powerhouse cast are well-regarded actors Rita Avila, Melissa Ricks, Joem Bascon, and Paulo Avelino; with the special participation of Eddie Gutierrez and Joel Torre. The series is directed by Jerry Lopez Sineneng and Trina Dayrit.