I never knew of Apotheca until I was invited to check them out. Apotheca an Integrative Pharmacy is not just any drug stores that we go to everytime we need a quick fix of paracetamol, antibiotics or whatever medicine our Doctors would recommend whenever our body needs one. I was quite surprised and interested when the founder started to tell us about Apotheca.
Compounded medicine, this is their main purpose, who would have thought that we have that here in the Philippines.
What is compounded medicine? It is creating a medicine that is just for you; personalized.
How is it different from regular meds?
The meds that will be compounded for you is still based on doctors prescriptions and tests. An example, our medicines are usually made by batch like 250mg, 500mg etc but what if based on tests your body just needs 350mg of that medicine, Apotheca can create that for you in juat 24hrs, you just need to have the prescription and Apotheca representatives will communicate with your doctor. Also another instance is, your knees are aching, usually doctors would prescribe a pain reliever, but then strong pain relievers can also do damage on your other internal organs, Apotheca can create a cream for you that you can apply on your knees so no need to take meds orally and into your body.
Yes it is quite new and I was also amazed and at the same time learned a lot about Apotheca, this is an alternative medicine worth trying.