Sunday, November 4, 2012

CCTV Patrol

Posted by Misis Nikole  |  at   2:07 PM No comments

TV Patrol launches its new segment CCTV Patrol with no other than Kabayan himself Mr. Noli de Castro. The program tackles videos sent by televiewers who have witnessed and captured crimes on video and was sent to

This would be a big help in resolving crimes since faces could be recognized and the actual scene of the crime are captured, in line with this TV Patrol will help in the investigation and will make sure to give follow through on the videos sent to them. CCTV Patrol also promises to to review videos and investigate first before they have it aired on TV Patrol.

Most people nowadays have videos on their mobile phones, everything can be captured and we can just hope that it will be put into good use.

with Kabayan Noli de Castro explaining the concept via Skype 

About the Author

A chubby blogger who enjoys life and lives a life on the plus lane. A wife who is hoping and praying to be a mother soon. A positive person who still believes in the goodness of humanity.

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