Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Diana Stalder IP | Day 5

Posted by Misis Nikole  |  at   12:34 AM No comments

My Day 5 Menu

Breakfast: Omelette (IP)
- This is love! I thought it will cook like pancake, but oh no, the texture was like a regular scrambled egg, this is so tasty and has herbs and spices. This is the best Ideal Protein (IP) food to date. 
Note: Funny thing I did was eat it slowly, making every flavour cling to my taste buds.

Snack: Peach Mango Drink

Lunch: Roasted Chicken (forgot to tale a photo)
- Chicken skin is a no no and this time I am eating the breast part and learned to appreciate its own goodness.

Dinner: Chicken Soup
- I think this is a bit salty for me, maybe next time I can add more water

- My first week is about to end, more insights on my upcoming post about the effects of IP on me, and yes I believe I lost a few pounds, will reveal soon...

About the Author

A chubby blogger who enjoys life and lives a life on the plus lane. A wife who is hoping and praying to be a mother soon. A positive person who still believes in the goodness of humanity.

Follow me and my adventures:
Facebook: fb.com/chubbychitchat
Instagram: MisisNikole
Twitter: @MisiNikole

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