Jeunesse Anion sanitary pads recently held a Zumba party at the Marriot for bloggers. The room was filled with mostly mommy bloggers who wants to do some shaking to get those stress out of our system, what's more exciting is that the one hour zumba party will be lead by non-other that the very sexy and fab Regine Tolentino. After the Zumba-mazing non stop dancing, healthy food was served which was enjoyed by everyone, oooh a day of healthy living is just so wonderful, can we do this everyday? Lol!
So anyway it took me a couple of weeks to actually write about Jeunesse Anion because I wanted to really try it, hence I have to wait for my monthly visitor of course. I checked out our favorite grocery and supermarket to know how the pricing of Jeunesse competes with the regular commercialized brands, oooh a bit pricey, which made me more curious about this product. So, I was now able to try it and now I undesrtand why, it really is absorbent? The panty liner felt like I wasn't even wearing one, and for those heavy days and nights, aside from being absorbent it feels clean, no rashes and itchy feel and you'll feel the value for money because it is highly absorbent thus not making you feel concious that overflow might happen. If that is the feeling of having a healthy pad for a better hygiene oh well I am switching. And so I did, when we went to the grocery during the weekend I did not think twice and got Jeunesse liners for my everyday use. Thanks Jeunesse Anion for introducing this great product for women.